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Diseases of the Jaw

Jaw Conditions – Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

Diseases of the Jaw Treatment Melbourne CBD

A healthy mouth does not only have strong teeth and gums. Our jaws need to be in optimal condition, too.

diseases of the jaw melbourne cbd
Our jaws are prone to many dental problems, ranging from TMJ disorder to jawbone infection.

At Art De Dente Melbourne CBD, we encourage you to pay attention to the health of your jaws, just as you pay attention to the health and beauty of your teeth and gums.

To achieve optimal oral health, it’s important to keep every part of your mouth free from issues and diseases.

Jaw problems include

  • Fractures
  • Dislocations
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction
  • Osteonecrosis (happens when your bones lose their blood supply)
  • Oral cancers
  • Treatment of jaw problems depends on the cause

Symptoms of Jaw Diseases

Jaw conditions cause dysfunction and pain in the jaw and face that may result in a number of symptoms. The symptoms can vary among individuals.

symptoms of jaw diseases melbourne cbd

Symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorders include:

  • Chewing difficulty or discomfort
  • Difficulty opening and closing mouth
  • Earache
  • Facial pain
  • Headache
  • Jaw pain or tenderness
  • Uneven bite

If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, make an inquiry to your Melbourne CBD dentist immediately.

Treatment involves removing the source of infection, usually by root canal treatment.

Treatments for Jaw Conditions

Several different treatments may be recommended for your jaw condition, depending on the exact cause of the problem.

Treatments may include:

  • Antibiotics to fight infection
  • Behavioural therapy and biofeedback
  • Muscle-relaxing medications
  • Orthodontic work to correct malocclusions or related problems
  • Pain-control medications
  • Surgery to remove tumours, drain abscesses, or repair defects
  • Use of nightguards, splints, or other protective devices
improve your jaw condition melbourne cbd

Improve your Jaw Condition

In addition to following your healthcare provider’s instructions and taking all medications as prescribed, you can reduce the symptoms of several jaw conditions by:

  • Applying heat or cold packs to relieve discomfort
  • Avoiding chewing gum
  • Avoiding sticky or chewy foods
  • Cutting food into small pieces
  • Eating soft foods

Diseases of the Jaw Treatment in Melbourne CBD

At Art De Dente Melbourne CBD, we assure you of safe and effective dental and jaw care.

We provide customised treatments tailored only for you!

Call us on (03) 9642 8955 or request an appointment online.

We are located at Level 17, 190 Queen Street in Melbourne CBD

Frequently Asked Questions

How is TMD treated?

In some cases, symptoms of TMD can be addressed with self-treatment at home. This includes eating soft foods, using an ice pack to control swelling, reducing jaw movements, and doing stretching exercises.

How can temporomandibular joint disorder be prevented?

Decrease stress levels and try to stop grinding/clenching your teeth.

How do I relieve stress on my jaw and prevent TMD?

Keep your face relaxed with lips together and teeth apart. Massage your jaw, cheeks, and temples regularly.

Are dental abscesses dangerous?

If a dental abscess is treated appropriately, it won’t cause severe problems, but when it’s ignored and/or treated improperly, it can lead to very serious complications.

Are dental abscesses contagious?

No. They can’t be transmitted from one person to another.