Saudi Arabia Cultural Mission (SACM)

The Saudi Arabia Cultural Mission (SACM) provides coverage for dental treatments for qualifying individuals (Students) and their family members & dependants with an annual cap of $5000.
Please note that cosmetic procedures are not included under this coverage. Eligible patients must undergo an initial examination, which may include x-ray imaging, to assess their dental health. Following this assessment, our dentist will prepare a treatment plan tailored to the patient’s needs and submit it to SACM for approval.
Once SACM approves the proposed treatment plan with a Medical financial guarantee letter, our Clinicians will proceed with the necessary dental care.
In most cases, eligible patients will not incur any out-of-pocket costs, thanks to SACM’s comprehensive coverage. However, this is contingent upon adhering to SACM’s specific terms and conditions, including any limitations and the yearly coverage cap.
Our goal is to alleviate the administrative burden on our patients, enabling them to focus on their recovery while we work to secure the dental care benefits they are entitled to.
By coming to Art De Dente, patients can rest assured that their SACM claims are handled with the utmost care and professionalism- Over the years Art De Dene has delivered high quality dental treatments for several hundred Saudi students and their families.
Art De Dente is one of the few clinics where high quality care meets the latest technology and fantastic ambience meets in one place
Art De Dente تستقبل المرضى ضمن البعثة الثقافية في المملكة العربية السعودية (SACM)؟ بموجب هذه الخطة، يمكن للمرضى المؤهلين الحصول على ما يصل إلى 5000 دولار أمريكي من علاج الأسنان اللازم، ويتم تجديده كل عام. نظرًا لأننا نرى العديد من المرضى بموجب هذه الخطة، يمكننا المساعدة في تنظيم أي أعمال ورقية حتى تكون العملية سلسة ويمكنك الاستمتاع بأي عمل أسنان بدون ضغوط. تبدأ العملية بالحضور أولاً لإجراء الفحص والأشعة السينية وبعد ذلك سيتم تقديم أي عمل مطلوب من قبل فريقنا إلى SACM. بمجرد الموافقة، يمكننا بعد ذلك بدء العلاج
وسنقوم بالتنسيق مع SACM حتى لا تتحمل أي نفقات من جيبك.