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Teeth Whitening in Melbourne CBD

by | Sep 2, 2022 | Teeth Whitening

Do you want to feel confident when you talk, smile, eat or laugh?

Teeth whitening may be for you!

By brushing and flossing regularly, your teeth can be kept white, brilliant, and healthy.

However, teeth whitening is a dental procedure that can enhance your smile, even if you weren’t born with a “Colgate” smile if you feel that your smile lacks some glimmer or is more yellow than it used to be.

Teeth whitening’s popularity has grown, becoming one of the most common cosmetic treatments.

Check out our teeth whitening options in Melbourne CBD.

Causes of Teeth Staining or Discolouration

Several practises that contribute to discoloured teeth occur in our busy lifestyles. Many people around you may have a few shades less than a perfectly white smile.

This is common and is frequently the result of a variety of factors, including:

  • Coffee, tea, or soda intake daily
  • Smoking cigarettes or using other tobacco goods
  • A sloppy oral hygiene regimen
  • Injury or trauma to the teeth

Tetracycline drugs and dental fluorosis can also bring on tooth stains. This is a condition in which the tooth enamel mineralises.

Is Teeth Whitening Right for Me?

You might have questioned whether teeth whitening is a treatment option for you if you have discoloured or yellow teeth, regardless of the cause.

First, keep in mind that surface tooth discolouration, to some extent, is quite natural and frequent and may not necessitate whitening. If the discolouration is severe and detracts from your self-esteem, you might choose to move through with a whitening operation.

There is little risk associated with teeth whitening as long as your gums and teeth are clear of cavities.

Choosing to use whitening procedures is frequently a matter of personal preference. In the end, the choice to whiten is all yours.

Knowing the technique involved in teeth-whitening procedures and selecting the one that best meets your specific demands will help you make an informed decision.

Teeth Whitening Options in Melbourne CBD

Before beginning any dental operation, see your Melbourne Central Business District dentist.

The following procedures will restore the shine to your smile if you are a good candidate for teeth whitening:

#1. Zoom Teeth Whitening

by Philips

Whiten your smile to 8 shades in less than 45 minutes with Philips Zoom In-Office Teeth Whitening or get noticeable results in days with take-home treatments.

#2. Pola Light Teeth Whitening

In just 5 days, you may have a brighter, more confident smile!

Pola Light Teeth Whitening is a teeth whitening solution that combines Pola’s award-winning whitening ingredients with an LED mouthpiece to speed up the whitening process.

Teeth whitening may be right for you if you want a quick, long-lasting outcome for your natural teeth in a safe and regulated atmosphere.

Smiles in Melbourne CBD

Visit your trusted Melbourne CBD dentist immediately to find out which choice best meets your interests if you want fast results from teeth whitening.

We at Art De Dente Melbourne CBD can give safer and more stunning results for your dull, discoloured teeth by utilising the latest technologies in teeth whitening today, such as Pola Light Teeth Whitening and Zoom Teeth Whitening.

Our top-notch teeth whitening technologies make it easy to restore your confidence by giving you a radiant smile.

Call us at 03 9125 6201 or request an appointment online.

We are your family-friendly Melbourne CBD dentist.

Visit us at Level 17, 190 Queen Street in Melbourne CBD.

philips zoom in-chair teeth whitening banner melbourne