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Teeth Whitening


Teeth Whitening Melbourne CBD

Teeth whitening is one if not the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments offering a quick, non-invasive and cost-effective way to enhance a smile.

Teeth Whitening Melbourne CBD

Why Whiten Teeth?

Everyone is different, and the colour of our teeth varies, like our hair and skin colour.

Very few individuals have brilliantly white teeth, and our teeth can also change their colour as we age.

Teeth discolouration can also be caused by foods and beverages like blackcurrant, red wine, tea, and coffee. Smoking can also stain the teeth.

Your teeth’s colour may also be impacted by “calculus” or tartar.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

In teeth whitening, spots on teeth are removed using bleaching substances such as carbamide or hydrogen peroxide.

These agents penetrate the enamel, react with the discoloured molecules, and release oxygen, resulting in a brighter smile.

The process can be done through in-office treatments or at-home kits provided by dentists.

Results are usually immediate and can last for months with proper maintenance.

It’s important to follow instructions to prevent potential side effects like tooth sensitivity.

Teeth Whitening Options in Melbourne CBD

Talk to your Melbourne CBD dentist before starting any dental procedure.

alister lindsay before teeth whitening dentist melbourne cbd alister lindsay after teeth whitening dentist melbourne cbd

If teeth whitening is a good fit for you, here’s what we can do to put the shine back on your smile:

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Chairside bleaching is the process that is usually completed in a single office visit.

To keep your gums safe, your Melbourne CBD dentist will apply a rubber shield or a protective gel.

Bleach is then applied to the teeth.

At-Home Teeth Whitening

Your Melbourne CBD dentist can provide you with a custom-made tray for at-home whitening.

In this case, your Melbourne CBD dentist will instruct you to place the whitening solution in the tray for a long time.

This may be an option if you feel more comfortable whitening at a slower pace, but still with the guidance of your Melbourne CBD dentist.

Zoom Teeth Whitening

At Art De Dente Melbourne CBD, we provide Philips’ Zoom! In-Surgery Tooth Whitening and Zoom! Take-Home Whitening Kits.

Philips Zoom! Teeth Whitening is the world’s #1 ‘Light-Activated Teeth Whitening System’.

It is a teeth whitening process that can lighten your teeth up to 8 to 10 shades in just one sitting. The complete procedure takes at least an hour and a half.

Pola Light Teeth Whitening

Pola Light is an advanced teeth whitening system that combines Pola’s award-winning whitening formulas with a LED mouthpiece that helps accelerate the whitening procedure.

The Pola Light system comes with either Pola Day 6% hydrogen peroxide or Pola Night 22% carbamide peroxide gel, offering treatment flexibility for a range of patient needs.

Teeth Whitening Procedure

The following actions are commonly included in the teeth-whitening procedure:

1. Initial Examination

Your Melbourne CBD dentist will thoroughly check your gums and teeth to determine the state of your oral health before starting the whitening procedure. This examination helps ensure that you are a suitable candidate for teeth whitening and that no underlying issues need to be addressed first.

2. Cleaning

If necessary, your dentist may recommend a professional dental cleaning to remove any plaque, tartar, or surface stains from your teeth. Cleaning the teeth beforehand can help enhance the effectiveness of the whitening treatment.

3. Choosing the Whitening Method

The dentist will discuss the many teeth-whitening options with you and help you choose the best one for your needs, preferences and budget. Options may include in-office whitening, at-home whitening kits provided by the dentist, or a combination.

4. Preparation

For in-office whitening, your dentist will protect your gums and soft tissues by applying a protective gel or placing a rubber shield around the gum line. This lessens the chance of gum discomfort or damage while teeth whitening.

5. Application of Whitening Agent

Teeth whitening products are applied, with the active ingredient typically being hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. In-office whitening treatments often use a stronger whitening solution than at-home kits.

6. Activation (Optional)

Some whitening treatments, such as those using a particular light or laser, may involve an activation step to enhance the bleaching process. Activation methods vary depending on the whitening system used by your dentist.

7. Monitoring

During the whitening process, your dentist will monitor the progress to ensure that the teeth are whitening evenly and that there are no adverse reactions.

8. Rinsing and Evaluation

Once the desired level of whitening is achieved or the predetermined treatment time is completed, the whitening agent is removed from the teeth. Your dentist will then evaluate the results to determine if additional sessions are needed.

9. Post-Treatment Care

Your dentist may provide instructions on post-whitening care, such as avoiding staining foods and beverages, practising good oral hygiene, and scheduling regular dental check-ups to maintain the results.

10. Follow-Up

Depending on the whitening method used, your dentist may suggest follow-up visits or at-home touch-up procedures to preserve the brightness of your teeth over time.

teeth whitening longevity of results and maintenance melbourne cbd

Longevity of Results and Maintenance

  • Duration: Teeth whitening results typically last several months to a few years, varying based on oral care and lifestyle.
  • Maintenance Tips:
    • Oral Hygiene: Brush and floss regularly with whitening toothpaste.
    • Diet: Limit staining foods and drinks like coffee and red wine.
    • Avoid Smoking: Quitting smoking helps prevent tooth discolouration.
    • Touch-Up Treatments: Consider periodic touch-ups recommended by your dentist.
    • Regular Check-Ups: Schedule dental visits for cleanings and assessments.
  • Caution: Avoid overuse of whitening products to prevent tooth sensitivity and enamel damage.

Teeth Whitening in Melbourne CBD

If you’re looking for a change that delivers results fast, long-lasting results to your natural teeth in a safe and controlled environment, teeth whitening may be for you.

Your Melbourne CBD dentist will work closely with you to find the perfect teeth whitening solution for you.

Contact us on (03) 9642 8955 or book your appointment online.

We are located at Level 17, 190 Queen Street in Melbourne CBD.

philips zoom in-chair teeth whitening banner melbourne

More Teeth Whitening Before and After

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teeth whiteninge before and after dentist melbourne cbd

Frequently Asked Questions

Is teeth whitening safe?
Yes. Whitening your teeth using carbamide or hydrogen peroxide under your Melbourne CBD dentist’s supervision is safe for your teeth and gums.
Why would I need my teeth whitened?
There are several different reasons why you might want your teeth whitened.

Everyone is different, and our hair, skin colour and teeth differ.

Very few people are born with naturally white teeth; our teeth can also become increasingly discoloured as we age.

How long will my teeth stay whiter?
The effects of teeth whitening treatment will vary from individual to case. The effect is less likely to last long if you frequently smoke, eat or drink products that can cause stains and discolourations to your teeth.
Does teeth whitening work for everyone?
While teeth whitening can effectively lighten the shade of natural teeth, its effectiveness may vary based on the individual’s tooth structure and the cause of discolouration. Some types of discolouration, such as those caused by dental restorations or intrinsic stains, may not respond well to whitening treatments.
What are the common side effects of teeth whitening?
Temporary soreness, gum irritation, and tooth sensitivity are common adverse effects of teeth whitening. These side effects are usually mild and resolve on their own within a few days after the whitening treatment.
Can I whiten my teeth at home?
Yes, various teeth-whitening products, including gels, trays, strips, and toothpaste, are available at home. However, to ensure safety and effectiveness, it’s essential to consult with your dentist before starting any at-home whitening regimen.
How often can I whiten my teeth?
The technique and individual circumstances determine how often teeth-whitening treatments are administered. It’s generally recommended to follow your dentist’s guidance on the frequency and duration of whitening treatments to prevent overuse and potential damage to the teeth.
Does dental insurance cover teeth whitening?
When it comes to dental insurance, teeth whitening is typically not covered because it is deemed a cosmetic procedure. Nonetheless, whitening procedures carried out for some medical conditions, such as intrinsic tooth discolouration, could be covered by some dental insurance plans. It’s best to check with your insurance provider for details regarding coverage.