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Teeth Whitening Options for Sensitive Teeth

by | Jul 24, 2024 | Teeth Whitening

teeth whitening options for sensitive teeth

Do you have sensitive teeth but want a teeth whitening treatment? You’re not alone—many with sensitive teeth share your concerns. The great news is that whitening options are specifically designed for sensitive teeth, helping you achieve a dazzling smile comfortably!

Understanding Tooth Sensitivity

Sensitive teeth feel very painful when eating hot or cold food or drinks. This happens when the surface layer of the teeth that they are exposed to wears away or when the gums pull back to show the sensitive layer of the teeth, called the dentin and nerves.

The exposure can lead to teeth sensitivity, and teeth may react to hot and cold foods, sweet foods, and even acidic foods and beverages.

Common causes of tooth sensitivity include:

  • Brushing too hard
  • Using a hard-bristled toothbrush
  • Tooth decay
  • Gum recession
  • Cracked or chipped teeth
  • Acidic foods and drinks
  • Teeth grinding

If you experience tooth sensitivity, talking to your dentist is a good idea. They can help identify the problem and provide appropriate treatments or goods.

Professional In-Office Whitening

Professional in-office whitening is your best option if you’re looking for the most effective and safest way to whiten your sensitive teeth. Dentists use higher concentrations of bleaching agents but protect your teeth and gums from sensitivity.

During an in-office whitening session, your dentist will cover your gums and apply a desensitising agent to the tooth surface before applying the whitening gel. They may also use a special light to enhance the whitening process. This method provides quick results and is generally safe for sensitive teeth.

Take-Home Whitening Kits from Your Dentist

Another effective option is a take-home whitening kit provided by your dentist. These kits are personalised to match or even tone your teeth and guarantee good-quality whitening. The whitening gel provided in these kits is usually stronger than OTC products but milder than the gel used in in-office treatments.

Your dentist will give detailed instructions on using the kit, including how long it takes to wear the trays daily. They may also provide a desensitising gel before or after the whitening treatment to help manage sensitivity.

Over-the-counter whitening Strips and Gels

Over-the-counter (OTC) whitening strips and gels are popular choices for at-home teeth whitening. However, not all are suitable for sensitive teeth. You’ll want to choose products specifically designed for sensitivity. These products often have reduced hydrogen peroxide and other bleaching ingredients, which lowers the chance of discomfort.

When using whitening strips or gels, follow the instructions carefully and avoid leaving them on longer than recommended. Overuse can lead to increased sensitivity and even damage your enamel. If you experience any discomfort, discontinue use and visit your dentist.

Tips for Reducing Sensitivity During Whitening

It is important to note that regardless of the whitening technique you use, there are measures you can take to minimise sensitivity:

  • Use a Desensitising Toothpaste: Start using a desensitising toothpaste a few weeks before beginning your whitening treatment. Continue using it during and after the treatment to help manage sensitivity.
  • Brush Gently: Do not use a hard-bristled brush or brush too vigorously, as this may contribute to further deterioration of the teeth’ enamel and cause setbacks in the healing of the gums.
  • Avoid Cold or Hot Foods and Drinks: Avoid eating or drinking anything hot or cold during the whitening procedure, as this could make you more sensitive.
  • Follow the Instructions: Do not overuse the whitening product to prevent damage to the surface of the teeth or the gums.
  • Consult Your Dentist: If you experience significant sensitivity or discomfort, stop the treatment and consult your dentist for advice and alternative options.

Maintaining Your Results

Once you’ve achieved a whiter smile, you’ll want to maintain your results while keeping sensitivity at bay.

Here are a few tips to help you do that:

  • Practise Good Oral Hygiene: Brush two times a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss once a day, and schedule routine cleanings and examinations at the dentist.
  • Steer Clear of Staining Foods and Drinks: Reduce your intake of staining foods and beverages. If you do indulge, rinse your mouth with water afterwards.
  • Use a Straw: When consuming beverages that may discolour your teeth, use a straw to prevent contact with your teeth.
  • Touch-Up Treatments: Depending on your procedure, you might require daily treatments to maintain your effects. Consult your dentist for advice on how often you should do this.

Whitening your teeth when you have sensitivity can be a bit more challenging, but it’s achievable. With the correct products and safeguards, you can have a brighter smile without experiencing pain. Always consult your dentist before beginning any whitening treatment to confirm that it is safe and appropriate for your requirements.

Teeth Whitening in Melbourne CBD

Ready to achieve a brighter smile without the discomfort?

Professional in-office whitening offers the most effective and safest solution for a radiant smile.

At Art De Dente Melbourne CBD, we prioritise your comfort and deliver a positive experience throughout your visit.

Contact (03) 9642 8955 or book an appointment online.

Visit us at Level 17, 190 Queen Street in Melbourne CBD.

Don’t let sensitivity hold you back from the confidence of a dazzling smile—take the first step now!

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